Monday, April 8, 2013

Plan B for this summer

The rain continued to pour down this morning as I was assigned to rove.  I must say that unlike yesterday afternoon, there weren’t any people on Swamp Island Drive this morning in the rain.  We’ve had enough rain in the last two days that I was reluctant to drive down any of the sandy unpaved roads.  There were deep puddles everywhere. 


You can tell by these two pictures of a turkey vulture just how dark and overcast it was.  This bird was trying to dry off its feathers, but wasn’t having much success.  I figured my rove time would be pretty much a flop as far as seeing any wildlife at all, but I was wrong.


As I made my way around the loop and back to where I had started, a bunch of little birds flew across the road.  One stuck around, so I lowered the passenger’s window and got my camera into my hands.  Low and behold, it was a brown-headed nuthatch sitting on the branch of a dead tree.  If you look carefully, you can see an old woodpecker hole to the left of the nuthatch.  I noticed this hole early on in my time here, and wondered if a chickadee or titmouse might use it to nest in once spring arrived.

71 Okefenokee NWR 2012-1349

I never expected a brown-headed nuthatch might use it.  They are usually so high up in the pine trees.  As I sat there, this little bird hopped in and out of the hole and was giving me a vocal thrashing for not moving on. 

I know the pics are a little dark, but that’s the best I can do under low light circumstances.  I have to use a shutter setting of 1/1000 of a second to be able to hold the camera still enough to get a shot.  I have tremors in my hands, and holding the camera still is a real challenge.  That means I generally need sunny days in order to use the telephoto lens.  It made my day to make this discovery!  I moved on quickly, and won’t bother this bird very often, as I don’t want it to abandon the nest.

71 Okefenokee NWR 2012-1348The rain stopped for a bit, and I noticed a short shrub beginning to bloom.  I haven’t figured out what it is yet, but I sure was wishing I had Jack’s macro lens to capture the raindrops on the blossoms.


The candy roots are also beginning to bloom.  The color of the flower is determined by the acidity of the soil, I believe.  These blooms look like they’ll be yellow, while I’ve found others that are orange.  The orange ones were next to those sundews that I posted on a previous post.

Since I turned down the opportunity to volunteer at the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming for the summer because they were looking for someone to work four days a week in the visitors center, I did send out my resume and letter of interest to another refuge.  That was plan B for the summer.  I will have a phone interview for this position this coming week.  It is at Tamarac NWR in northwest Minnesota.  Quite a change from the mountains, but I do love the northern woods and haven’t been there in seven years.  It’s the land of lakes and loons.  I miss hearing the eerie call of the loons.

I’ll let you know how that goes.  If I get the position, I’ll fill in the pluses of this location.  If I don’t get it, I’m just going to be a bum for the summer.  One way or the other, I’m going to enjoy myself.


                                                                              THE END!!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy

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