Monday, April 8, 2013

Another lesson from Grandma

Every time I spend some good time with the grandgirls, I like to teach them about something that their parents might not.  When I spent the summer with them in 2011, I taught them how to use those noodles in their pool to squirt other people with water.  Not a harmful spray, but one to get someone’s attention.  Flirt male  I’m not sure their parents were thrilled with that, but that was the beauty of it.  I had another chance this weekend, but I’m going to save that for the end of this post.

71 Okefenokee NWR 2012-1345

While Avery spent her sleepover with me on Saturday night, I still had to do my physical therapy exercises.  Of course I invited her to work out with me.  Emma had to get her two cents in as well, but she cheated on the squats by just sitting down.  I’m really trying to work on the abduction exercises which involves moving my right leg to the side as far as I can.  (middle and top right pics)  As you can see, Avery is bit more flexible than I am at this point.  She can lift her leg to a 90* angle.  I don’t think I’ll ever get that limber.  (take note of the bit of the Euro recliner that is visible in the bottom left pic)

On Sunday we only had visiting planned so it was a pretty laid back day.  In the afternoon, I could tell that Robyn and Dennis were wearing down, so I took the grandgirls for a hike with me and Emma while their parents rested a bit.  What a time that was!  We chatted along the way about why Emma had to sniff everything and how her nose was better than her eyes.  She sniffed out the first of three Gopher Tortoise holes that we found along the way through the woods.  Gopher Tortoises are an endangered species I believe.  I sure wish we had actually gotten to see one but we didn’t.  I told the girls that their tunnels went ten feet underground and could be about 40 feet long.  We were gone almost an hour, and covered more than a mile I am sure.  No camera for that jaunt as I had my hands full with Emma’s leash, my cane, and keeping track of the girls.  They were much faster than I, and at one point just laid down on the trail to wait for me.

IMG_1707IMG_1708 (2)

Once back at the rig, Robyn and Dennis removed the Euro recliner for me.  No one ever sits in it, and about all I use it for is dumping my grocery bags into it.  So thanks to them, out it went.


Instead, I moved the three drawer thing I bought for when Kurt was here to the spot the chair was in.  Now I can actually see out the window (as can Emma), and it opens up the room quite a bit.  Some day I might have a nice wooden cabinet made to put in there, but in the meantime this will do.  I’ve got a month to decide if I’m happy with this alteration.


While we were busy with the removal of the chair, the girls continued helping Emma dig to China!  So much for my thought that they would maybe fill the holes in.  Disappointed smile

We had the wiener roast with all the other volunteers and interns, but I was enjoying everything too much to take any pictures.  Let’s just say that lots of ‘dogs’ and marshmallows were consumed.

And now for the new thing that I got to introduce the grandgirls to this weekend:

_MG_1711Yep, it’s a whoopee cushion!  Ha!  Little kids love bodily functions, and what could be more fun than this cushion?  We had a wonderfully gross time with it, and Avery voted her father the best gas passer of all time.  I just can’t wait until they are old enough for me to teach them how to spit correctly…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy

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